This is me!


journalist, writer, television author, creative producer; passionate about music, cinema and TV; lives and works between Rome and London.

Born in Rome; currently resides in Rome.



Graduated in Medieval History at La Sapienza University of Rome; Masters in Middle Eastern History at the same university.

Journalist, enrolled in Italy’s Register of Publicists since 1993.

Graduated in English Language & Literature at the International School of Dover (UK); obtained English Language Proficiency at Trinity College in Dublin (UK).



 Cristiana’s music and entertainment journalism has appeared in numerous Italian and global newspaper and magazine titles (Rockstar, Velvet, Mucchio, Tatler, Paese Sera, Il Tempo, etc.).

She is a long-time contributor Classic Rock magazine, writing features, reviews and regular columns Rock Tales and Rock Radio.

She has edited and translated several books for Cortina Editore, including titles by Roger Scruton and co-wrote Freedom, Ethics And The Arrogance Of Information, with Giuseppe Santaniello (Piemme).

She has also written two book-length detective stories, Mystery On Stilettos and The Pendant And The Butterfly.

For Fox Paramount, she wrote the TV series, You Make Me Sick (still in production).

Drawing on her passion for illustration and comics, she has created the comic strip Antagonists.



Cristiana’s television work includes working as a Director and journalist at MTV Europe in London, for Sky News and Weather in London, RTL in Berlin, and Al-Jazeera International in London and Doha.

For National Geo UK, she has collaborated in the making of several archaeological and scientific documentaries (including Cuba, The Evolution Revolution, Galapagos, Egypt, Secret Of The Pharaohs).

For RAI TV in Rome, where she’s worked regularly since 1991, she has been involved in numerous productions, progressing from Programmer Assistant to Programmer and Director. Her current roles there include as Creative Text Writer and Director.

RAI TV shows worked on include Blob, Blob Files, L'Oro del Calcio, Paracult, Figu, Tempo di Woodstock, Hot Settanthot, Robinson, Assatirati, Blog, Serial Webbers, Politicarellum, Uno Mattina / Dolce casa, Verba Volant, My Way, Route 68, C’è Celentano, Freddy, Un’estate fa, Ziggy.

She produced the TV series, Chef on a Mission, starring international chef Bernie Mintz and oversaw the creation of the web channel Bernie, The Amazing Chef.



For Al-Jazeera International, she supervises the channel's specials and documentary promotions, with emphasis on the humanitarian response to the many conflicts covered. She also played a key role in the creation of Al-Jazeera’s award-winning Palestine Reloaded, a highly successful feature on the channel's website.

President of the Cinemaram Cultural Association since 2011, she continues to realise cultural events and film screenings in Italy and abroad.

In collaboration with the Cineteca Nazionale and Cinema Trevi, she organises special events in Rome based around screenings and debates on music and cinema.



blob is a meta-television show that is successfully aired since 1989 and that places itself, for satire and intellectual freedom, in the restricted universe of television productions that entertain and make you think at the same time. Proud to be one of the main authors for over twenty years.

OTHER projects

Here are some excerpts from my work that reflect my multifocal vision on reality.

al jazeera, palesine remix 
History pop 
Syrian refugees
crepitant raise

The theatre

Despite never having met before, Pat and Cassandra find themselves on the creaking stage of an old theatre in New York’s Greenwich Village. There is no audience, and they stand alone, auditioning in front of an elderly and disturbing director. They have no idea why they are there or even who they are.

Once out of the theatre, Pat and Cassandra journey together in search of the truth. They will encounter many unexpected difficulties along the way, but they’ll also discover surprising revelations about themselves.

The venture raises many questions. Who are they? What lives did they leave behind when they found themselves on that decrepit stage? Could they ever return there? And if so, at what cost?

Pat and Cassandra, their partnership always veering between tragedy and comedy like an unlikely yet connected couple from some vintage TV show, can barely tolerate each other. Yet they find themselves facing all kinds of situations together, some natural, others supernatural, beyond time and space. And all the while, the FBI is constantly on their heels ...

The Theatre trailer and episodes